ThermoCare Plus
Age: 36
Diagnosis: Split panter plate, Bone restructure
Physician: Dr. Sid Sharma, Podiatrist New York City
Farrah has been a dancer and teacher most of her life. Being active and on her feet is critical to her way of life. Recently while teaching a student, a shelf broke making contact with Farrah’s toes. “As soon as the accident happened I couldn’t put any pressure on my foot and it was swollen pretty bad. I knew I needed to seek medical attention.”
The doctor informed her that she had a split plantar plate and needed bone restructure of the 1st and 2nd toes.
“I was treated by Dr. Sid Sharma. He informed me that there was too much swelling to perform the needed surgery so he prescribed the Thermo Plus-System to reduce the swelling and decrease the pain.”
Dr. Sharma:
“The extent of Farrah‘s injury required both pre and post-operative therapy to ensure a successful outcome. This is why I felt confident that the Thermo Plus–System was the right treatment option for Farrah. I consistently recommend it for my patients.”
“I used the Thermo Plus–System prior to and after each of my surgeries. I was very impressed with how effective it was in reducing my pain and swelling. Both the doctor and I were extremely happy and satisfied with the results. I was very pleased with the wonderful customer service I received from the ThermoCare Plus team; they were professional, thoughtful and caring.”
Santos R.
Age: 53
Diagnosis: Broken ankle
Physician: Dr. Gianni Persich - Englewood, NJ
Santos is a carpenter that lives a healthy lifestyle. He always took safety very seriously but recently found out that accidents can happen. Santos fell and broke his ankle while removing a safety line from the third floor of a job site. Since his job requires that he is able to move around, Santos needed to get back on his feet as soon as possible.
“I was treated by Dr. Gianni Persich at Englewood Hospital. I received excellent care from the Doctor and Hospital. Dr. Persich said the surgery went well but that post-operative rehabilitation was equally important if I wanted to make 100% recovery.
He prescribed using the ‘Thermo Plus System’ to reduce swelling and pain plus aid in the prevention of blood clots.
Dr. Persich:
“After surgery, the rehabilitation process is vital to a successful recovery. This is why I prescribed the ‘Thermo Plus System’ system to Mr. Santos. Its portability and ease of use makes it easier for patients to stay compliant and speed recovery.”
“I was amazed that after using the machine for just a few weeks, as recommended, I was able to walk and function. It minimized the time I was out of work and I’m looking forward to getting back to playing basketball and biking soon.”
Angelo L.
Age: 55
Diagnosis: Torn rotator cuff / Rotator cuff surgery
Physician: Dr. Degross - Hackensack Medical Center
Angelo has been active his entire life playing baseball and basketball but for the last several years had been troubled by an acute pain in his shoulder. “I tried to play through the pain but it got to the point that I knew something had to be done.”
Angelo went to see Dr. Gross who after a thorough examination concluded that Angelo had a torn rotator cuff due to basic wear and tear.
“I was treated by Dr. Gross at Hackensack Medical Center. The Doctor was very happy with the results of the surgery and that same day prescribed the Thermo Plus System to help with my post-operative rehabilitation. The Thermo Plus System was instrumental in keeping the swelling down and reducing my pain.”
Dr. Gross:
“When I saw Angelo for his follow up visit I was impressed by the results the Thermo Plus System had on his recovery. He didn’t complain of pain and his range of motion was much better than expected.”
“After using the machine for just three short weeks, as prescribed by my Doctor, we were both very impressed with the results. The thought of playing basketball again so soon is just amazing.”
Thermo Plus Wraps
This highly effective system greatly surpasses the benefits of traditional ice-based therapies.
The Thermo Plus-System delivers a totally unique and proprietary thermal compression therapy solution in one easily transportable device.
We offer a superior level of service to physicians as well as specialization and in-home support to their patients.
In this section you will find downloadable PDF’s of all our products.